green coffee beans Colombia Finca Santana El Bolson washed washed process 10 pounds


12 in stock


The Rojas Family Story, told by Don Hernan Rojas.

This farm is a family farm. It has been in the family for over 60 years. When my father arrived to this region, he was a day-to-dayworker but came from a family of coffee growers as well, my grandfather had been growing coffee his hole life, so when he settles in Huila, he starts a farm as well. I personally have been working with coffee for 43 years. We are four male brothers and after I started working at the farm my brothers decided to join me as well and now all of us own a portion of the farm and work together on it. My sisters are coffee growers as well and they each own a portion of the farm too, which they take care of directly. This farm is our family’s sole source of income and is how we have been able to give our children a home and education. The farm Santana el Bolson used to be a farm with regular coffee. But today the farm has gotten bigger and we have been able to diversify your coffees and our lots by planting different varietals and implementing different processes. Today I can say I am a proud coffee grower and I will die a coffee grower, and even my son, who graduated as a doctor from school continues to work with coffee, comes to the farm and gets into the plantation to plant coffee along with us. He has seen how hard I have worked for this farm and he wants to make sure to continue the coffee tradition in the family. Our region has exceptional coffees, very interesting and with really good characteristics
Our farm has competed in different contests such as cup of excellence, and we have gotten several recognitions because of our great quality. Today we are growing different varietals such as Caturra ,Colombia, Geisha, Pink bourbon, Cenicafé 1, and castillo tambo. We are also focused in having a young farm, so we are very strong in renovating ,fertilizing and planting smartly so we can have a very productive crop. Our farm is also a source of employment for our neighbors in the community. Ours is a big family, there are a total of 5 families within the Rojas family that own and live off the farm. In addition to that we work with another six families that are full time employed by us and that live off the farm as well, they love this farm as if it was theirs because the farm provides for them all year long. In addition to this I hire 40 workers every harvest for the whole harvest period to help with the coffee picking. We have implemented other methods and technology to avoid contamination, we don’t use much water for washing coffee anymore as we are using a machine that allows us to preserve water. In addition to that we have a portion of land dedicated to forest mainly where the water sources are so thatwe preserve those resources for the well-being of the whole community. I am very proud and happy to have our coffee being recognized for people inside and outside Colombia. It is an honor for us to have international clients and it is a big motivation for us because it encourages us to continue to work hard to produce the best coffee so that we can continue to have these relationships.
Coffee From Finca Santana El Bolson
Santa Maria Microlot

Variety: Caturra & Bourbon
Cup Score: 86+
Tasting Notes: Panela, almendra, delicate body
Process: Fully Washed & Sun dried


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