Buesaquito is a batch of only natural process
which is a new process for the Buesaco
community, this process enhances the notes of
red fruits which go very well with the profiles
of the region. This process has encouraged
many coffee growers to try new processes of
fermentation which boosts the coffee quality
at a state level, standing out in competitions
such as the Cup of Excellence.
Buesaco is located in Nariño,
approximately 45 minutes from the city of
Pasto. It has favorable climatic,
topographic and land access conditions for
coffee production. Located at the foot of a
mountainous canyon and next to a rich
source of water; privileges its excellent
presence of organic material, luminosity
and drafts. It is located at an altitude of
1850 meters above sea level, with high
luminosity most of the year, in addition to
being favored by the wind currents that
ascend throughout the Juanambú canyon.
Local Farmers
• Finca La Esperanza.
• Finca Villa Maria.
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