New Coffee coming

New Coffee coming

I am so excited to go to Baltimore Monday to pick up sacks of Ethiopian Yirgacheffe Natural, Sidama Ardi Natural, El Salvador Honey and Natural Process. Also a COE Brazil! The weather is cooling down! Happy Roasting and drinking Chris

Green Coffee Beans

I have been a home roaster for at least 12 years now. It is amazing how many nice beans are out there for home roasters to buy. But I have noticed that most new buyers are afraid to try something different than the same old coffee available in every store roasted. I...

Benefits of Green Coffee Bean

Green coffee beverages are made using the unroasted, or “green coffee beans “. Extracts from green coffee beans have demonstrated many health benefits in scientific studies. The main components of green coffee responsible for these benefits appear to be caffeine...

We Just Opened

We just opened .   Green Coffee Bean Guru is managed by Chris . In 1998 I graduated from J.W.U with a       culinary arts degree and from there I wanted to learn about wine so I went to work in       wine and have been there for 16 years and about 10 years ago I...