Ok so this delicious coffee is from several of my friends family farms in Colombia. The beans are brought from the farms and processed at Finca La Vega. Only 4 sacks produced of it. If the size of the beans is important to you than this coffee is not for you. This coffee has several size variations to it and some bean defects to it. I was very lucky to get any because one roaster usually takes it all. The purchase of this coffee helps the farmers get an income from the smaller size beans. We simply pay more for better coffee. To get the best out of this coffee it should be roasted in first cracks! Not to say you can’t roast it dark. Help support our farmers and they will produce delicious coffee.
This is my friend Yolima she grew up on this farm and she brings in her family’s coffee as well as other small farmers. Buying her coffee helps support her family. Wow what a fantastic coffee!
Finca La Vega belongs to the Taborda Rojas family. It is located in the village of San José outside the municipality of Amagá in Southwestern Antioquia Colombia, at an elevation of 1800-1900 meters. The farm has an extension of about 3 hectares of which 25% are planted in forest and the rest contains the farm house and the coffee plantation of 13.000 coffee trees. The varietals grown are Castillo Rosario, Cenicafé 1 and Pink Bourbon.
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